Bill Burr, a cast member in "Unfrosted," poses at the...

Bill Burr, a cast member in "Unfrosted," poses at the premiere of the Netflix film at the Egyptian Theatre, April 30, 2024, in Los Angeles. Credit: AP/Chris Pizzello

NEW YORK — Comedian-actor Bill Burr will host the first post-election “Saturday Night Live” with musical guest guitarist, producer and vocalist Mk.gee. Charli XCX is also coming up.

Burr, on tour with his “Bill Burr Live” show and who will join Kieran Culkin and Bob Odenkirk on Broadway this spring on a revival of “Glengarry Glen Ross,” makes his second appearance as host on Nov. 9.

Charli XCX will do double duty on Nov. 16 in her first appearance as “SNL” host and third appearance as musical guest. She's fresh off the hit album “Brat” and two connected albums.

Mk.gee will perform as a musical guest for the first time. He is currently on a world tour prompting his debut album, “Two Star & The Dream Police.”

“SNL” returns Nov. 2 with already announced host John Mulaney and musical guest Chappell Roan.

The 50th season has featured Maya Rudolph as Kamala Harris, James Austin Johnson as Donald Trump and Jim Gaffigan as Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

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