Adam West starred as "Batman" in the campy TV adaptation...

Adam West starred as "Batman" in the campy TV adaptation of the DC Comics story from 1966 to 1968. Credit: 20th Century Fox / Courtesy of Getty Images

If you happen to be someone who writes about TV for a living, there is one question that almost certainly will come up in the course of casual conversation: Why isn't there a DVD collection of the old ABC "Batman" series?  Invariably, you must answer: "Honestly, friend, I don't know why there is not a DVD set of the 1966 ABC 'Batman' series starring Adam West and Burt Ward,  which was perhaps the great camp TV classic of all times..."

With that, the conversation flags, and the person goes on to other questions, like: "What is Vanna White really like....?"

But honestly, friend, I don't know why -- something about a convoluted battle over rights -- but I do know this: Warner Brothers is going to release the entire three seasons on DVD sometime later this year.

Conan O'Brien announced via Twitter yesterday:  

Very excited @WBHomeEnt is releasing the Batman '66 Complete TV Series in 2014! The seat smells like Adam West:— Conan O'Brien (@ConanOBrien) January 15, 2014

Why Conan? You mean: Why, besides the fact that he works for Warner Bros. and a lot of male nerds like me watch his show and follow his Twitter feed and love "Batman?" 

I don't know why.

But here's the thing: It's time to get excited. If you've never seen the original by Bill Dozier -- who took Bob Kane's greatest-comic-hero-ever and turned him into a figure of joy and mirth, with a wonderful cast in support -- then you have not lived a full or productive life. 

(Sorry friend, but that's just true.)  More details as they come.

A few full episodes online by the way, but here's the classic open (Newsday app readers and "Batman" fans please head on over to to watch.)


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