Actor Frank Cady, a character actor best known as the...

Actor Frank Cady, a character actor best known as the general-store owner on the sitcom “Green Acres,” died on June 8, 2012. He was 96. Credit: CBS, 1990

A brief post to note the passing of one of TV's classic character actors: Frank Cady, 96, died at his home in Oregon over the weekend.

Cady — Hooterville's Sam Drucker in “Green Acres" -- was tied to four classic series: “Ozzie & Harriet," "The Beverly Hillbillies," "Petticoat Junction” and “Acres.“ He was a vital fixture on each (reprising Drucker on “Hillbillies” and “PJ”) and was well-known, even beloved, to the shows' many millions of fans.  TVland, of course, has created a whole new generation of fans, too. Here are just a couple clips. (Scroll about nine minutes into the second for some more Sam)...


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