"Boss" is a new series produced by Lions Gate TV...

"Boss" is a new series produced by Lions Gate TV and running on the Starz channel, about Chicago Mayor Tom Kane, played by Kelsey Grammer. The series premieres Oct. 21, 2011. Credit: Jeffery Garland

If you get Starz, I'd suggest checking out this new show Friday night starring someone by the name of Kelsey Grammer.

Heard of him? Multiple Emmys (mulitple wives, yup), and apparently multiple talents too.

"Boss" is a fascinating departure for the beloved actor, someone with personal demons, as his many fans probably realize. There's something in this portrayal -- he's effectively channeling the Daley dynasty in Chicago as "mayor for life" -- that is unique to anything he's ever done. "Visceral" is a word you'll probably see a little too much of in relation to it, but visceral it is.

I'll link to my review a bit later from today's paper; here are a couple of vid clips in the meantime: 

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