"Summer House," a reality show set in Montauk, will premiere...

"Summer House," a reality show set in Montauk, will premiere Jan. 16 on Bravo. Credit: Bravo

Bravo’s “Summer House” — the proposed unscripted project that put half of Montauk into a funk last summer — has moved from proposal to series. The network announced that a show about “young professionals who . . . share a house [and] let loose in a big way” will launch Jan. 16 at 10 p.m.

More details: “Summer House” will feature “nine friends who work hard making their money and building their résumés during the week,” and who have “summered” in Montauk before. But this year is special! Yes, they’ve finally “put together the perfect group to share a rental for an epic summer filled with drama, boozy brunches, beachfront thrills, rosé parties, charity galas, bonfires, and jaw-dropping hookups.”

“Boozy” is probably the key word — and reason — that most inflamed residents when filming on this began in June. As the New York Post’s “Page Six” first reported, some residents even plotted to boycott or disrupt production. As one (unnamed) resident told the gossip column, “Every time you see these idiots filming, air-horn their shot. You can’t edit air horns out every five minutes.”

Air horns or not, the show will go on.

Here’s the full cast list, per Bravo:

“This close-knit group includes Kyle Cooke, the life of the party who must decide whether it’s time to grow up or to remain the quintessential bachelor; Ashley and Lauren Wirkus, fun-loving identical twins who have reached a crossroads in life; group newcomer Carl Radke, a flirtatious ex-model who has caught Lauren’s eye; longtime friends Everett Weston, an ex-Army Iraq war veteran, and Lindsay Hubbard, the ultimate alpha female, who throw everyone for a loop with their newfound love; Cristina Gibson, Lindsay’s roommate, a freelance reporter who grapples with her friendships; Stephen McGee, the wild card of the bunch who isn’t afraid to speak his mind; and Jaclyn Shuman, a flirty, newly single girl-next-door type who is looking to be distracted from a broken heart.”


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