Tulip, left, voiced by Katie Crown, and Junior, voiced by...

Tulip, left, voiced by Katie Crown, and Junior, voiced by Andy Samberg, in the animated adventure "Storks." Credit: TNS / Warner Bros. Pictures

We recently had the opportunity to preview the new animated movie “Storks,” in Manhattan. The movie is about a company that used to deliver babies. Instead of delivering babies, the company switched to delivering packages because it was easier.

One day, a boy named Nate finds an old flyer advertising that storks once delivered babies. Since Nate wants a baby brother, he decides to write a letter asking for a brother to be delivered. When the letter arrives at the company, Tulip decides to deliver Nate the baby that he wants. Tulip, now 18, was the last baby that was supposed to be delivered, but never was. Tulip is now an orphan that works at the delivery company. Once the delivery process begins, Tulip and a stork named Junior begin an adventure that takes them on a wild journey as the head of the delivery company tries to stop Junior and Tulip from delivering the baby.

We really enjoyed the movie. One of our favorite parts was the adventure that Junior and Tulip had while trying to deliver the baby to Nate. They were determined to deliver the baby even when faced with a lot of problems, including being chased by wolves. There were also many funny parts during the trip. We definitely laughed when Junior kept flying into the glass windows.

Another part of the movie that we liked was Pigeon Toady. The way that he talked and the jokes that he made were very funny. We especially liked the part where he sang.

We recommend this movie to everyone. We saw all of the kids and adults laughing throughout the movie. We even saw one adult cry at the end of the movie. Will the baby be delivered to Nate? Will Tulip ever find her family? Go to see “Storks” to find out! We think “Storks” will be one of the better movies that you see this year.

RATING 4 smiles


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