Trustee unseats incumbent mayor in Manorhaven Village elections

John Popeleski, seen here in 2015, is the new mayor of the Village of Manorhaven. Credit: Barry Sloan
The Village of Manorhaven has elected a new mayor and two trustees by narrow margins.
John Popeleski, who serves as a village trustee, defeated Mayor Jim Avena, who was seeking his fourth term on the board. Popeleski received 381 votes and Avena received 351. Popeleski ran alongside incumbent trustee Harry Farina and challenger Monica Ildefonso on the People’s Working Party line.
“Manorhaven residents were ready for a change, and they made sure it happened during this election,” Popeleski told Newsday. “I look forward to being that change for them.”
Avena ran with Deputy Mayor Rita Di Lucia and Dan Garcia on the Manorhaven Residents Party line.
Farina, with 376 votes, and Ildefonso, with 364, beat out Garcia and Di Lucia, who received 361 and 359 votes, respectively. All candidates were elected to 2-year terms.
The board consists of three trustees, a deputy mayor and a mayor. Trustees are paid $3,000 a year. Vincent Costa is also a trustee.
Popeleski said he will appoint someone to take over his trustee seat at the village's July 6 board meeting.
Avena did not respond to requests for comment.
Popeleski, who retired from the Port Washington Water District six years ago, was first elected as a trustee in 2016. He told Newsday the village is in the midst of several important projects including resurfacing roadways, rebuilding Manorhaven’s section of the preserve pathway and upgrading pump station and sewer lines. He added that he will work to secure grant funding for more upgrades to the area.
Additionally, he said he will work with the Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District and the local chamber of commerce to try to bring more businesses to the village.
“We have a lot to do but we are ready to roll up our sleeves and keep moving forward until we get everything done,” Popeleski said.
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