Shigeru Ishiba, the head of Japan's governing party, the Liberal...

Shigeru Ishiba, the head of Japan's governing party, the Liberal Democratic Party speaks during a press conference at the party's headquarters in Tokyo Monday, Sept. 30, 2024 to announce that he plans to call a parliamentary election on Oct. 27 after he is formally elected as prime minister. Credit: AP

TOKYO — Shigeru Ishiba, the head of Japan's governing party, said Monday he plans to call a parliamentary election to be held on Oct. 27 after he is elected as prime minister on Tuesday.

Ishiba was chosen as the Liberal Democratic Party's leader on Friday and is assured to also succeed Fumio Kishida as prime minister because the party's coalition controls parliament.

Ishiba mentioned the election date as he announced his top party leadership lineup Monday ahead of forming his Cabinet. The plan is not official since he is not prime minister yet, but Ishiba said he mentioned the date early for the logistical convenience of those who have to prepare on relatively short notice.

Considered a defense policy expert, Ishiba secured a come-from-behind win against Economic Security Minister Sanae Takaichi, a staunch conservative who hoped to become the country’s first female prime minister, in Friday's vote.

The LDP has had a nearly unbroke tenure governing Japan since World War II. The party members may have seen Ishiba’s more centrist views as crucial in pushing back challenges by the liberal-leaning opposition and winning voter support as the party reels from corruption scandals that drove down outgoing Kishida's popularity.

Long Island high school football players have begun wearing Guardian Caps in an attempt to reduce head injuries. NewsdayTV's Gregg Sarra reports. Credit: Newsday Staff

'It just feels like there's like a pillow on your head' Long Island high school football players have begun wearing Guardian Caps in an attempt to reduce head injuries. NewsdayTV's Gregg Sarra reports.

Long Island high school football players have begun wearing Guardian Caps in an attempt to reduce head injuries. NewsdayTV's Gregg Sarra reports. Credit: Newsday Staff

'It just feels like there's like a pillow on your head' Long Island high school football players have begun wearing Guardian Caps in an attempt to reduce head injuries. NewsdayTV's Gregg Sarra reports.


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