LIPA and PSEG, Catholic church settlements, primary care doctors, Nassau County slogans, bird hits on windows

Getting booked into a physician's calendar can be challenging. Credit: Getty Images/baona
Clear the noise about LIPA proposal
It’s not over until it’s over when it comes to the Long Island Power Authority Public Power Act “Thiele: Fully public LIPA bill loses steam,” News, May 2]. One of its biggest hurdles is public perception.
People mistakenly believe PSEG is our electric utility, and the state Assembly bill’s purpose is to municipalize it. Actually, LIPA owns the grid and hires PSEG to manage it for an astounding $80 million a year. The bill seeks to save ratepayers money and make the system more efficient by eliminating this middleman.
PSEG, an out-of-state, for-profit corporation, serves its shareholders — not LIPA ratepayers. It has spent huge sums for lobbying to derail this bill. It is more evidence that PSEG is self-seeking at the public’s expense. It accuses LIPA of being bloated and corrupt, but that sounds like PSEG is projecting.
This bill is clearly in the public interest and gives LIPA ratepayers more influence over their public utility as originally designed. Gov. Kathy Hochul and Long Island legislators should pass it.
— Lauren Krueger, Merrick
Make changes first, then absolution
After much reflection: How can anyone believe that the Catholic Church can be dismissed from accountability after they got caught trying to cover up for their priests abusing young boys “Dismiss big claims against the Church,” Letters, May 9]. They should now be absolved because they have already paid great sums of money?
And they have now initiated procedures to eliminate this appalling sexual abuse — if that’s true.
I see no way they can fix this problem now or ever. The clergy takes vows of celibacy when they enter the priesthood. This oath makes them go against their basic biological instincts, which makes them go against that very oath.
They don’t deserve absolution until the Church allows its priests to marry and live the life of most married or cohabiting couples so the advice they give is one they can relate to. And one that will really help to stop any kind of abuse — sexual or otherwise.
— Carolyn Newson, Riverhead
Oh, how I miss my small-group doctor
My wonderful primary care doctor had belonged to a small-group practice in which each doctor had his or her own secretary. That secretary knew who I was whenever I called to ask a question or make an appointment. I never had a problem and was accommodated politely and efficiently.
Then the practice was taken over by a major medical group [“The doctor will see you . . . later,” LI Business, May 12]. Gone were the knowledgeable secretaries, replaced by random people answering the phone. They have no idea who I am or who my doctors are. It’s like talking to a machine.
It now takes forever to get a call back, and forget about getting an appointment earlier than two months!
My doctor is completely overbooked with new patients, and there are no open slots for existing patients who are not feeling well at the moment. Their answer is that there is a “doctor on call.” That doctor doesn’t know me. I might just as well go to an urgent care facility.
This is not the purpose of having a primary care physician. It appears to be all about the money. It certainly doesn’t seem to be about caring for the patient.
— Judy Riccuiti, Farmingdale
This prevents birds from hitting windows
I have a simple and cheap solution for homeowners looking to stop birds from flying into windows [“LIers looking to prevent deadly crashes of birds into buildings,” News, April 28]. Birds hit residential windows when they see reflections, and they think they are flying to trees.
Post-its work like magic to prevent this from happening. Put one on a window, and birds will be alerted that they are about to hit glass. You only need to replace them when they fall off during heavy rain. It is amazing how well this works and how long the Post-its last.
— Joan Dennis, East Setauket
No slogan shortage in Nassau County
Here’s another idea [“Nassau, we have some slogans for you,” Editorial, May 10]:
Nassau County: Lawyers benefit with our real estate tax system.
— Rony Kessler, Franklin Square
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