Just Sayin': Sweden solved subway woes — why not us?

A man jumps a turnstile during rush hour at a subway entrance in the city. Credit: Getty Images/Robert Nickelsberg
I recently returned from Sweden, where I used its subway system. Amazingly, the country has figured out how to lower crime and beat fare-beaters. The subways have a high plexiglass screen between the turnstiles, forming a block with no access to the electric eye that opens a turnstile.
Similarly, the supermarkets have a one-way entrance and similar plexiglass door. When you exit from another area, you must scan your receipt to open the exit plexiglass door. If no purchase was made, a store associate will open the exit for you. Imagine the stores’ savings by reducing shoplifting.
It’s odd how other countries have these things figured out, but in America we can’t seem to get off first base.
— Michael Lefkowitz, East Meadow
Adding housing will increase traffic woes
With new housing developments popping up all over Long Island in response to our increasing population, have any authorities estimated how this will affect our infrastructure?
A recent round trip upstate over the Throgs Neck Bridge was a traffic nightmare, even at the normally “slow” hour of 1 p.m. on a weekday. One lane closed on the Cross Island Parkway resulted in backups extending for miles on the Long Island Expressway while exiting to the Cross Island. This vital roadway is already way beyond capacity, too busy to close for repair or expansion with no good alternatives.
New housing? What will adding 5% or more population here do?
— Lee Stevens, East Patchogue
No ‘No Left Turn’ sign a dangerous situation
I have lived in Merrick for 47 years and drive on Merrick Road almost daily. Every day, drivers make left turns out of parking lots from all the nearby stores from Trader Joe’s to the post office. There are no “No Left Turn” signs although drivers shouldn’t be allowed to make a dangerous left turn.
Drivers wait for an opening on the eastbound side so they can squeeze in to the westbound traffic to save a few minutes. It is amazing that there are not more accidents such as the one in May when a car crashed through the storefront at Sufiya’s Grill.
With no “No Left Turn” sign, eastbound traffic backs up, frustrating drivers. The Town of Hempstead has prevented many accidents by putting up innumerable stop signs on Beach Drive and Clubhouse Road. It’s about time it put up “No Left Turn” signs at dangerous locations. The town should send someone to investigate this situation.
— Steve Bloch, Merrick
World can learn a lot from LI’s children
I recently went to a dancing classrooms event at a middle school in the Hewlett-Woodmere school district. I was thrilled. Kids were dancing and having loads of fun with no regard to race, color or any other difference.
World leaders could benefit from attending such an event and observing their joy. And then, perhaps, dancing with their counterparts.
“Teach them well and let them lead the way.” Nothing else seems to be working.
— Joseph O’Connor, Freeport
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